Why not?

Well instead of just spamming some of my friends with countless links and sarcastic commentary I figure I would expand my audience or at least switch to an “opt-in” model for my ramblings. So this is the result of that line of thinking.

I must warn everyone that I am a geek and honestly had to resist the urge to open with a very slashdotty “First Post” post. Luckily I resisted that urge, right up through the second sentence.

So we’ll see where this experiment goes and hope for the best, but first, here are some links that I thought were interesting from this past week :

The ad that let this company be the #1 item on “The dumbest things on Wallstreet this week” and the pesky other matter which also made them #5. Thank god I don’t own alot of their stock … oh wait … I do. Crap.

And of course the disturbing, “point on the doll where the robot touched you” article.




