Category: At the Movies …
MPAA wants to control your TV, and stereo, and DVR
MPAA’s SOC or Selectable Output Control permanent waiver request is complicated and probbably best described with pretty pictures like this video: Here are some nice write-ups: Public Knowledge EFF
It’s Joss Whedon, and It’s “Dr. Horrible”
A musical about a super-hero and a super-villain brought to you by Joss Whedon and comprised of 3 10-minute-ish acts, available on July 15, 17, and 19 and disappearing from the web on July 20th. I guess there are some good side effects to last year’s writer’s strike. Episodes available: Trailer: Teaser from Dr.…
Harry Potter in the Hood
I should have Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows sometime tomorrow but in the meantime, Enjoy! 7/23: Updating youtube link
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Release Date
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ release date of July 21st has been announced. You can pre-order it now from amazon : Standard Edition Deluxe Edition The Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie is due out in theaters on July 13th. Hmm … I think I’m not going to get much done…
Snakes on a Plane
A movie that tells you everything you need to know in its title. And it delivers. It is fun. It is very quotable. It even has a very basic plot. All in all a fun movie going experience and it is probably better to see it in a theatre than on video as the “group”…
Death is only the beginning
Saw this article linked on Digg this evening. It basically show how they were able to resurrect Marlon Brando for a reprise of his role as Jor-El in the upcoming Superman Returns. Take a look it is neat and a little creepy at the same time:
Thank You for Smoking
Finally went to see “Thank you for Smoking” which presents us with the life of Big Tobacco lobbyist Nick Nailor. Here is a trailer : The movie was very funny, entertaining, and smart. The movie had the potential to get preachy due to its subject matter but it never did and was very intelligiently irreverent.…
The Davinci Code : The Movie (Pre-Show)
Well “The Davinci Code” opens on Friday and I plan on seeing the movie sometime next weekend, you can take a look at the latest trailer here : And of course you can take a look (or another look) at my review of the book here. But, before anyone gets in a tizzy about this…
Superman Returns – Trailer 2
There is a new trailer for Superman Returns up on the Apple site : Coming to Theaters on June 30th.
Silent Hill – The Movie
I went to see Silent Hill on Saturday evening and I have to say that I thought it was a good movie. Of course the two other people I saw it with completely disagree with me on that point, so your mileage may vary. I must have made up my own movie as I went…
50 Greatest independant films
It’s the weekend and if you’re looking for a movie perhaps this list may help you setup your netflix queue, blockbuster visit, Tivo, or even next possible purchase. Empire online put together this list of the 50 greatest indie films, which I originally noticed sometime this week on I’ve only seen a handful of…
Lord of the Rings – The Musical
A musical adaptation based on the J.R.R Tolkien trilogy just openned in Toronto : Reviews have not been very good so far.
Seen on : If rumors are to be believed the new Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith DVD contains a hidden Easter egg of Yoda getting funky to “The Roots – Don’t Say Nuthin“. (Lyrics) The Easter egg, if real, has leaked onto the internet and can be found : Here and Here…
Mosquito is a fan based (Browncoat) parody of Firefly. I personally cannot vouch if it is any good as they have exceeded their download limit until sometime Wednesday. But apparently it is supposed to be. Here is a link to the Mosquito site : And Here is a link to an interview with Mosquito’s…
It’s a great movie. If you are a fan of the Firefly series you have probably already seen it. If you haven’t seen the movie, do yourself a favor and go. It’s just like the last couple of star wars movies except it is actually good, and has no aliens or jedi.
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Wow. I thought this movie was going to be good, I was wrong, it’s great! Johnny Depp made an awesome Willy Wonka. Tim Burton’s touch was all over this movie so it was a tad darker than the original movie but it’s also allegedly more faithful to the book than the original movie. It had…