Category: Misc

  • Even Cavemen got hungry

    A light-hearted short to break the net silence here. Just got back from vacation. (BTW, Diving in Cozumel rocks!) :

  • Etc : July 6 – 13

    It’s been a little hectic at work. But here are some snippets from around the “net”. HeatSeek (link to the TechCrunch article) Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there is now a secure browser (IE based) whose sole purpose it to enable you to handle porn easier. It also encrypts everything which makes it harder for junior…

  • Dance, Dance, Evolution

    I seem to be on a YouTube kick recently. Saw this video over the weekend and thought it was pretty funny. So here it is, the “Evolution of Dance” :

  • It’s Independence Day!

    Have a great day at your BBQ, picnic, or however you choose to celebrate. I for one am planning on going to see superman returns : Enjoy the day!

  • Identity theft sucks

    Did you know that I live in an industrial complex in Keller, TX and that a few days before that I lived in an apartment complex in Fort Worth, TX? Neither did I. I logged in yesterday to take a look at my credit card statement and after logging in was greeted with a mostly…

  • Happy Mornings

    I really like this Folgers ad :

  • Diet Coke & Mentos

    Is there anthing those two things can’t do? From the wacky folks at, please enjoy!

  • Google : Romance

    Just when you thought your contextual relationship needs were not being met, Google comes to the rescue :

  • This is a test. This is only a test

    I’m still adding features/content to, for example if all is working OK this post should also show up in my blogger account. This way I get to have the best of both worlds or at least more exposure for my latest ramblings. -The Management Edit : Ok, that didn’t quite work as expected. If…

  • Grok WordPress

    Well if you made it this far, you are looking at my brand new and still under very much construction site. Welcome! It’s going to take a little bit more elbow grease but so far WordPress (blogging software) rocks! At first glance the picture behind the blog name looks like it may have come as…

  • My last blogger post

    Well I went and got myself a domain , two, actually so please start looking for new posts over at and, they are mirrored for now. Right now my new blog is up and running other content is still TBD but with lots of space and bandwidth, who knows where it will go.…

  • Must be Friday

    Please help those who cannot help themselves : (Don’t worry, I too am even more confused after visiting the site)

  • Merry Christmas!

    Feliz Navidad!

  • A musician to check out – Luthea Salom

    You may want to check out “Luthea Salom”, no relation, at least that I know of at this time. Salom is the equivalent of Smith on Mallorca. Stumbled onto her site as I was looking at some of the statistics for this blog. You can check out her music on her site : Can’t…

  • By the way …

    Yes, I’m officially back and no longer jet-lagged from my honeymoon.

  • How the Death Star Works

    Saw this link on : A nice article by the “HowStuffWorks” gang on the workings of your favorite planet detroying space station : How the Death Star Works On it use, Obi-Wan Kenobi a former member of the Jedi Council says : “A great disturbance in the Force. It was like a million voices…