Category: News – International
Chaldean Archbishop kidnapped in Iraq
65 year old Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho was kidnapped in Iraq today shortly after saying mass. He is a Chaldean Catholic bishop. The three people with him were killed. More info on the kidnapping: USA Today Associate Press Catholic News Service More info on Chaldean Catholics: Wikipedia Catholic Encyclopedia
On a “Dark Miracle”
As seen on, Joshua Ellis, who is an independant journalist, went to the Trinity Test Site (the site of the first nuclear bomb test), this year to go take a look. The site is open to the public 2 days of every year. He describes what he saw in pictures and words, and has…
Davinci Code Lawsuit has no merit
A British court has thrown out the lawsuit against Dan Brown. Here is more info from the LA Times. </center>
Backpedal, quickly
Robertson acknowledges the harshness of his Sharon statements (after Israel threatens to exclude him from a Christian heritage site). Here is the CNN Article.
Not down with 700
I just don’t have the words, or rather I guess I do but it would probably get my blogged censored. I can say that the Jesus I grew up with and believe in would not be happy about anyone in pain. Meanwhile we have folks like this : Pat Robertson on Sharon
Harry Potter’s Car has been stolen
The “Flying” Ford Anglia from the Harry Potter movies has been stolen off of the studio lot. Here is the article : Reuters BTW, Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire opens on 11/18.
Mind your W’s and Q’s
In Turkey, 20 Kurds were fined for carrying signs (written in Kurdish) that contained the letters W & Q at a Kurdish New Year celebration. Those letters are not part of the Turkish alphabet and their use is illegal. The Turkish alphabet has all of the letters in the English alphabet except “q”, “w”, and…
It’s Tai Shan
The panda cub born to Mei Xiang at the National Zoo in Washington D.C. was finally named, Tai Shan, which translates to “peaceful mountain”. As a chinese tradition panda cubs are not named for the first 100 days because of their high mortality rate in captivity, delaying the naming of the cub is a way…
Just down the road and on the right
And so it begins, US going to take Iran’s WMD info to UN. See here. Well, we already have all the equipment over there anyway…
Harry Potter Sparks gunfire
The BBC reports on the Potter craze gone awry.
Habemus Papam : Pope Benedict XVI
Viva il papa!