Category: Religion
Jesus as a Rabbi – banned from Hospital
Here is the dig, though, it is not that it was a portrait of Jesus that was the problem. Rather, that the portrait showed Jesus as a rabbi that seems to have stirred the controversy surrounding the painting which caused it to be removed. Here is the Chicago Tribune article :,1,2768565.story
The Davinci Code : The Movie (Pre-Show)
Well “The Davinci Code” opens on Friday and I plan on seeing the movie sometime next weekend, you can take a look at the latest trailer here : And of course you can take a look (or another look) at my review of the book here. But, before anyone gets in a tizzy about this…
Habemus Papam : Pope Benedict XVI
Viva il papa!
How a new Pope is elected
Cum – Latin for “with” Clavis – Latin for “key” Conclave – a place that can be securely locked Information on Conclave from the Catholic Encyclopedia.