Category: Tech – Hardware
Virgin Mobile finds niche market
I got this link from “The Really not Anon Girl in A. Town”. Apparently if you have issues controlling the urge to call your ex when you are a little drunk … Virgin Mobile has come to your rescue with this special service. All I can say … Australia must be an interesting place to…
IPPA still trekking …
Nothing much really new to say on the subject of HR2391. Here’s another article on the matter. A good quote from John McCain in the article: “Do we really expect to throw people in jail in 2004 for behavior they’ve been engaged in for more than a quarter century?” Did I mention I really like…
Dude, you’re getting a Best Buy Customer
A few weeks ago Best Buy made an announcement where they told Wall Street that they were putting their bad customers, those who mail in rebates, buy items on sale, and return items often, into a “bad customer” database. Apparently those customers “wreak enormous economic havoc” and they need to be rid of them. Dell…
It slices, it dices, it puts you in jail for skipping a commercial
The lame ducks appear to be quacking up a storm : Wired has an article on the Intellectual Property Protection Act (HR2391), a bill collection, which the lame duck session in the Senate is trying to pass. The bill does such things as get rid of “fair use”, define a fine and/or 3 years imprisonment…