Category: Writing & Reading
Dude, a linguistic Study
If you have ever found yourself using the word dude then you should head over to take a sneak peek at this CNN article.A linguist at the University of Pittsburgh has written a paper on the subject which, among other things, discusses the “effortless kinsmanship” that the word brings. So here’s to you dudes!
Fun with Cryptology : The Davinci Code
Over Thanksgiving I finished reading “The Davinci Code” by Dan Brown, I was hesitant the read the book at first because of all the buzz surrounding it (I guess I am just contrary) but finally broke down when I needed something to read on the flight. I walked into the airport bookstore and there it…
Why not?
Well instead of just spamming some of my friends with countless links and sarcastic commentary I figure I would expand my audience or at least switch to an “opt-in” model for my ramblings. So this is the result of that line of thinking. I must warn everyone that I am a geek and honestly had…