Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Katrina & The Media
Is it just me or does it seem that the media has actually re-grown a spine? It just seems that even the normally “softball” reporters are taking out bats when they are interviewing government officials.
What does it mean to lose New Orleans?
One of my brothers emailed this to me. It’s a pretty good op-ed piece by Anne Rice in the New York Times : http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/04/opinion/04rice.html?pagewanted=1 (BTW, www.bugmenot.com is your friend)
My thoughts & prayers go to the people of Louisiana & Mississippi. My money goes to : http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/news/katrina.cfm My anger goes toward the ineptness of the government to respond in a timely manner to this crisis. ———– Related ———– FYI, Info on Tulane University : http://emergency.tulane.edu/
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
Wow. I thought this movie was going to be good, I was wrong, it’s great! Johnny Depp made an awesome Willy Wonka. Tim Burton’s touch was all over this movie so it was a tad darker than the original movie but it’s also allegedly more faithful to the book than the original movie. It had…
Computer Geek Test
Well I made it to Tokyo! It’s huge. There are skyscrapers as far as the eye can see. (Similar to New York City, in theory, but it has a completely different feel) So far not too much culture shock other than the several hours of sumo wrestling on TV and the inadvertent bowing contest I…
More Wright is wrong
Southwest brings Maryland One to Love field.
Harry Potter Sparks gunfire
The BBC reports on the Potter craze gone awry.
The Wright Amendment
Just a quick political rant. I’m not sure if you are aware but there is a Federal law called the Wright amendment(see Shelby act as well) that prevents Love Field in Dallas from having flights to any states that do not touch TX. In theory this helps the economy, in reality it makes us pay…
I want one
I want to hook my DVD player up to this.
If you can’t fix your problems … blame television
Seems that Tom Delay is attempting to get his own show “Law & Order : Wag the Dog” : Take a look at this CNN article.
My Linguistic profile
Your Linguistic Profile: 60% General American English 25% Dixie 15% Yankee 0% Midwestern 0% Upper Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
How to get hired, or at the very least, how to get me to take a 2nd look at your resume
I was taking a look at some resumes this week and I was taken aback at the state of most of resumes that were submitted. So here are some basic rules for anyone who cares to listen : 1. Use spell check. 2. Use punctuation, at the very least use an occasional sentence and end…
A Star Wars Diversion
Why don’t you try this little game and let me know if you find it a little disturbing.
Revenge of the Sith
It gets a Thumbs up! I think it is the best of Star Wars first three episodes. I won’t say more for fear of giving anything away. What the heck, I’ll give away the ending : Anakin Skywalker = Darth Vader
Broadcast flag struck down
Link from Cnet
Got any book recommendations?