Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Moving Money
Sometimes a dime is worth 10 cents, other times it is worth $1.9 million and needs to be transported across the country. This is the story of the latter, as published in the San Francisco Chronicle. Enjoy!
Transformers – The Personality Quiz
Which Transformer are you? I AM76%OPTIMUS PRIMETake the Transformers Quiz
Google reads too – a first look!
Well hopefully I don’t start sounding like a Google sycophant but I want to recommend YAGP (Yet Another Google Product) for you to try out. And this time it’s Google Reader… I will say that I tried Bloglines about a year ago and wasn’t as impressed as I am with this but haven’t tried it…
Site Tweaked – Everything is fine (?)
I updated WordPress as well as several of the plug-ins used on this site. Everything should be working correctly … but if it isn’t please let me know. Happy Sunday! Highlighted fields are required. Your Name: Your Email: What is the last word of my blog tagline? Your Website: Subject: Interest in ResumeWebsite FeedbackProblem with…
Essential Firefox Add-Ons
A blog-less friend of mine put together this list of his favorite Firefox add-ons and thought it would be a good complement to my “Essential Windows Software” post from last year. I am posting it here as a good little bit of useful info with his permission. Now I need to go try these out.…
Random ads make consumers happy
I really like this ad but I’m not quite sure why I do: My wife gets a great big kick out of this one:
Harry Potter in the Hood
I should have Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows sometime tomorrow but in the meantime, Enjoy! 7/23: Updating youtube link
Time flies
Well I’ve been out of the country, busy, and sick so ye olde blog here has not been getting much attention. Here are a couple of shiny things I have come across though. A fair(y) use tale – A fair-use copyright primer made mostly out of disney clips: As Yoda would say – “Begun the…
Happy Easter! (Twice)
Well I’m in Japan again for work related activities. I got here yesterday on Easter Day but it was still Saturday back at home so I’ve spent a good part of this Monday Morning/Sunday Afternoon wishing folks back home a Happy Easter…. So Happy Easter! Other than the freak snowstorn (i.e. snow flurries) we had…
It’s all about the games …
I guess this is why 1st person shooters don’t hold my interest for long: You scored as Storyteller. The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs,…
360 D Radio Dallas
A friend of mine has started producing a podcast that covers the local R&B and Hip-Hop scene here in Dallas, TX. Each show is about an hour long and includes much local music as well as some good old fashioned radio “topical” banter. The show is pretty good and is getting better with each successive…
A little Radio, A little NFL
Seems like the new law that effectively makes internet radio stations pay more than their terrestrial counterparts for music has also had an ill effect on National Public Radio. NPR has now “released the hounds”: NPR fights back, seeks rehearing on Internet radio royalty increases The NFL seems to have gone a little DCMA happy,…
Etc : March 1 – 18
Babies take a lot of time … so here is a reader’s digest version of a post: If you have an old Xbox lying around collecting dust, you may want to take a look here at an interesting project you can undertake relatively painlessly: How to Go from Xbox to Xbox Media Center in 30…
Dell Ideastorm
Michael Dell opened a new website : www.dellideastorm.com It’s a place for folks to give ideas and feedback to Dell. The ideas are voted on, and those with more votes get more attention from the Dell folks. The highest voted ideas don’t necessarily get implemented but they do get the most attention from the Dell…
Tango Fu
Very cool. Here is a video of a friend’s dance coach :
NFL sick lawyers on church Bowl party
Apparently using the word Super near another word is also considered bad by them. And using a screen bigger than 55″ to view such an event at a gathering is considered bad because “the law limits it to one TV no bigger than 55 inches.” Here is the story.
Got any book recommendations?