Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
New look, same blog
Netfarious is getting an updated look. Please let me know what you think. Right now it is mostly a basic “Tiga” theme for WordPress 2.0. Also I am officially stopping the simultaneous update of my blogspot account, so be sure to update your RSS aggregator to point to the https://www.netfarious.net/feed/ feed. It was just getting…
Thank You for Smoking
Finally went to see “Thank you for Smoking” which presents us with the life of Big Tobacco lobbyist Nick Nailor. Here is a trailer : The movie was very funny, entertaining, and smart. The movie had the potential to get preachy due to its subject matter but it never did and was very intelligiently irreverent.…
Write a Story and get asked for you fingerprints and DNA by UF police
According to this article on Boing Boing, a University of Florida English graduate students was asked to provide fingerprints and DNA after publishing a story involving a murder on his blog where he publishes his stories. The murder as well as his stories are fiction. To make the story even weirder, apparently this seems to…
AT&T NSA Spying Evidence
Wired has acquired and decided to publish the evidence that is currently under Seal in the EFF vs AT&T lawsuit. To see why they did it, please go here : http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,70947-0.html To see the evidence itself, please go here : http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,70944-0.html
Google Notebook
Today Google launched, Google Notebook. It is essentially an extension to Firefox/IE that allows you to highlight text, images, etc on a website and add it to a “notebook”. You can then create notebooks on different subjects, annotate your snippets, and also make these notebooks publicly viewable if you choose. The best part is that…
The Davinci Code : The Movie (Pre-Show)
Well “The Davinci Code” opens on Friday and I plan on seeing the movie sometime next weekend, you can take a look at the latest trailer here : And of course you can take a look (or another look) at my review of the book here. But, before anyone gets in a tizzy about this…
Etc : May 5 – 12
It’s been about a week since I’ve updated my blog, so here are a bunch of things I’ve been thinking about this week, that didn’t quite make a blog entry of their own : The RIAA/MPAA broadcast flags are once again making their rounds through congress. If you think that these flags will actually stop…
ODF Plugin for MSOffice
Massachusetts (MA) made a request yesterday for a plugin that would allow for seamless integration of ODF (Open Document Format) into Office. You can see that request here. A day later the The OpenDocument Foundation responds that they have a plugin that is compatible with current versions of Word, and going back to Word97. You…
Superman Returns – Trailer 2
There is a new trailer for Superman Returns up on the Apple site : http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/supermanreturns/trailer2/ Coming to Theaters on June 30th.
Silent Hill – The Movie
I went to see Silent Hill on Saturday evening and I have to say that I thought it was a good movie. Of course the two other people I saw it with completely disagree with me on that point, so your mileage may vary. I must have made up my own movie as I went…
The Ultimate Showdown
It’s Friday, my work computer’s hard drive has crashed, and so it’s time for a little levity. A friend emailed this out earlier this week, I had never heard of the group before and the song is catchy as well as the flash animation to go with it. So Happy Friday (Be sure to use…
Davinci Code Lawsuit Judgement Contains Secret Code
Apparently the judge who presided over the Dan Brown plagiarism trial decided to have a little fun in the wording of his judgement. The Judge decided to embed a secret code in it. An article concerning this can be found at : CNN If you would like to take a crack at decrypting the code…
Help take a stand against the RIAA madness
The EFF is putting together a petition to take to Congress that will hopefully help stem the RIAA lawsuit rampage. If you are interested in taking a look at the Petition and/or signing it, please go to : https://www.eff.org/share/petition/ If you are concerned about having your name shown on the internet, just check the “Do…
Smithsonian sells U.S. History to Showtime
In an attempt to make money from its archives, the Smithsonian has signed an exclusive deal with Showtime Networks. This deals gives Showtime exclusive access to the Smithsonian film archives. All filmmakers wishing to use this “public domain” material must get the material through Showtime and create it through them or not use the material.…
Google : Calendar
Looks like Google launched their online calendar program this evening. Seems pretty spiffy. You can find it at : http://calendar.google.com Quick Feature Rundown : Imports from: Microsoft Outlook Yahoo! Calendar Apple iCal Notifications : Email Pop-up, if app is open SMS, text message General : You can create multiple calendars You can share a calendar…
50 Greatest independant films
It’s the weekend and if you’re looking for a movie perhaps this list may help you setup your netflix queue, blockbuster visit, Tivo, or even next possible purchase. Empire online put together this list of the 50 greatest indie films, which I originally noticed sometime this week on digg.com. I’ve only seen a handful of…
Got any book recommendations?